Thursday, September 25, 2008

Three weeks ago we sent out an email asking if the increase in class size had been communicated or posted somewhere. After 3 days we received a call from Mr. Chynoweth, who told us that it had not been communicated to the parents but that GEMS had made the decision only at the end of the summer due to 'community pressure.' Furthermore, as an educational expert he assured me that effective teaching can still be guaranteed up to a class size of 30 students....

The letter GEMS sent out to the parents on September 25, stated that concerns have been raised as a result of raising the class size from 25 to 26. This statement is incorrect. Both classes of our sons have 27 students. Moreover, the 'year one class' of our youngest son started with 19 students in September 2007. Compared with his 'year two class' of 27 in September of this year, the class size increased a staggering 42 percent!

GEMS can either choose to continue communicating to us parents like they have done so far - not or incorrectly - or stop the arrogance and start discussing educational and facility improvement options seriously, and try hard to win back some credibility.

I quote from the JPS website..... "Parents receive priority attention in an open and friendly environment that promotes open communication between school, parents and students. Positive and effective interaction between school and home is important to a child’s development and education. We listen to parents, actively inviting them to share their views with us, ensuring that they receive prompt feedback in an appropriate form." Actually, if you continue on the webpage ( GEMS proudly states 14 communication options aimed at enhancing and strenghtening parent relations...

The community pressure in the summer months must have been so intense that the abovementioned standards must have been temporarily put on hold. However, by now (after all the dust has settled...) it would be appropriate for GEMS to apologize to us parents for this temporary freeze of communication standards... and live up to the communication standards so proudly presented.

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